Well-Run Concepts conducted research to quantify what is needed to be an effective Salesperson. A comprehensive, validated, step-by-step process called the TrimetrixTM system was utilised to determine what is needed for top performance. The data revealed the top 7 attributes:

1. Results Orientation:
Maintaining focus on goals; Identifying and acting on removing potential obstacles to successful goal attainment; Implementing thorough and effective plans and applying appropriate resources to produce desired results; Following through on all commitments to achieve results.

2. Influencing Others:
Effectively impacting others’ actions; gaining commitment from others to achieve desired results; Analysing other’s opinions and leading them to understand and willingly accept desired alternatives; Persuading others in a positive manner.

3. Self Management:
Independently pursuing business objectives in an organised and efficient manner; Prioritising activities as necessary to meet job responsibilities; Maintaining required level of activity toward achieving goals without direct supervision; Minimising work flow disruptions and time wasters to complete high quality work within a specified time frame.

4. Goal Achievement:
Establishing goals that are relevant, realistic and attainable; Identifying and implementing required plans and milestones to achieve specific business goals; Initiating activity toward goals without unnecessary delay; Staying on target to complete goals regardless of obstacles or adverse circumstances.

5. Interpersonal Skills:
Initiating and developing business relationships in positive ways; Successfully working with a wide range of people at varying levels of organisations; Communicating with others in ways that are clear, considerate and understandable; Demonstrating ease in relating with a diverse range of people of varying backgrounds, ages, experience and education levels.

6. Problem Solving:
Analysing all data relative to a problem; Dividing complex issues into simpler components in order to achieve clarity; Selecting the best options available to solve specific problems; Applying all relevant resources to implement suitable solutions.

7. Decision Making:
Analysing data necessary for decision making; Making decisions in a timely manner impacting strategic outcomes appropriately and effectively; Demonstrating ability to make unpopular and difficult decisions when necessary.

I’m here to help market you!


Annie Cerone