Top 10 transferable employability skills:

1. Communication
2. Teamwork
3. Time Management
4. Problem Solving
5. Organisation
6. Learning
7. Computer
8. Listening
9. Creativity
10. Leadership

Employers’ indicators of success include fundamental soft and hard skills; percentages outlined below indicate those employers who say the skill is important.

Top 5 soft skills:

1. Work ethic: 80%
2. Teamwork: 79%
3. Oral Communications: 73%
4. Hands-on job-specific training: 69%
5. Problem solving: 66%

Top 5 hard skills:

1. Word processing: 89%
2. Spreadsheet software: 86%
3. Data analytics & business: 82%
4. Database (queries & intelligence manipulation): 81%
5. Personal information management (PIM): 77%



Annie Cerone