This particular client applied for a Business Support Officer role in a state (Qld) government department and gained a job interview. Six criteria required addressing: five from the Capability Leadership Framework (CLF), derived from the APS’ Integrated Leadership System (ILS), and an additional technical criterion. Just to recap as outlined in previous blogs, the stock standard five ILS and CLF criteria include: Supports Strategic Direction, Achieves Results, Supports Productive Working Relationships, Displays Personal Drive and Integrity, and Communicates with Influence. Following are excerpts from two of the criteria.
Supports productive working relationships.
Recently, our division completed a restructure which was an unsettling period for all staff. There was uncertainty surrounding the increased number of staff. Management reminded staff to discuss their concerns if required. There were times where it was necessary for team members, including myself, to speak positively and embrace change with fellow team members. As a result, this facilitated the process of significantly reducing a negative culture within the division and boosting morale. Overall, in all workplaces in which I have been employed, I have built effective relationships and developed a rapport with staff and supervisors by being proactive, by asking constructive questions, by acting in a professional manner, and by working in a collaborative manner with staff.
Communicates with influence.
Previously, I provided secretariat support for the Department of TTT’s inter-governmental meetings such as the SS Committee on TT and the CC RR Group, attended by the Director-General. My actions involved negotiating, consulting and coordinating all documentation to support the meeting agenda items, and the facilitation of any follow-up actions arising from high-level meeting decisions. When preparing agenda papers and associated briefing notes, I often chased people for information and negotiated timeframes for receiving information in order to meet stringent deadlines. In so doing, I emphasised the importance of receiving information on time. As a result, secretariat activities were consistently completed on time and important deadlines were met.
I’m here to help market you!
Annie Cerone