Research has shown that despite the weaker job market, confidence among recruiters has risen slightly. Some 44% expected an increase in business in the coming quarter. Recruitment companies in some areas were still seeing strong trading conditions, particularly in healthcare and education. However, over the past two years demand has changed markedly in some sectors.

The volatile job market has brought about some big changes in the top 10 occupational skills shortages, with healthcare workers knocking engineers out of the long-held top spot. The top 10 skills-short occupations are:

1)   Health professionals

2)   Nurses

3)   Non-building professional engineers

4)   Medical technicians

5)   School teachers

6)   Non-building engineering associates and technicians

7)   Non-building electrical/electronic trades

8)   Electrical trades (building)

9)   Rail drivers

10) Social professionals



Annie Cerone