Demonstrated compliance in the Vocational Education and Training (VET) Sector.

One of the clauses (Cl 1.13) in The Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015 stipulates that trainers and assessors provide evidence of their industry currencies and professional development. I researched online to investigate the best practice of recording this evidence and how other RTOs managed this component. In my research, I could not find one RTO that recorded the evidence entirely. Therefore, I initiated the creation and implementation of a logbook. I spoke to management about the logbook and items for inclusion to record the training each trainer delivered, when and to which customers, and corresponding outcomes. I introduced the logbook to trainers present in the next staff meeting and communicated that this was a compulsory procedure to follow. I emphasised its importance by quoting the Standards for RTOs 2015 clause to ensure the trainers understood compliance requirements in delivering training to their customers.