This particular client applied for the role of Web Officer in State (Queensland) Government, gained an interview, was offered the role and gladly accepted. The stock standard five Capability Leadership Framework (CLF) criteria – Supports Strategic Direction, Achieves Results, Supports Productive Working Relationships, Displays Personal Drive and Integrity, and Communicates with Influence – required addressing in a two-page statement. Following are excerpts from two of the criteria.

Achieves results:
I have made significant contributions in improving business processes in order to achieve positive results and maximise time efficiency. For example, I improved services when I managed the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) process for the DD Team. I identified this system was not efficient in providing accurate information to monitor critical administrative data. I implemented improvements and a new process that directly supported Accredited Facilitators more accurately and efficiently; the system comprised over 550 Accredited Facilitators. I was solely responsible in ensuring every facilitator had the required access to systems and that data integrity was maintained. Further to the MoU agreement process, I added all agreements in TRIM for electronic approval by management. This reduced the previous task of creating a hard copy folder. I improved the accuracy and content of data gathered for the associated spreadsheet and initiated further enhancements to the DD Licence and DD Licence advanced certificates. Instead of posting certificates to clients, I proposed they be electronically generated to reduce the cost of postage for environmental and budget awareness. My contribution and development of these processes were approved and implemented and continue to provide positive outcomes in the DD Team.

Displays personal drive and integrity:
I am highly competent in meet priorities and deadlines in challenging circumstances. This is evidenced when I worked in the DD Team where I was responsible for organising events such as conferences, workshops and training. This involved a high level of planning, briefing and preparation. To stay on track and effectively manage events, I created a comprehensive check list of the tasks to be completed allocating corresponding time frames and deadlines. Frequently, I was dealt with managing ad hoc and urgent requests in a minimal amount of time; these tasks needed to be completed to ensure the events ran smoothly. In these instances, I reprioritised task work and dependent on both time and resource availability, I initiated and requested the assistance of staff members to help me complete the tasks. As a result, task work and schedules remained on track, and events were well-organised from start to finish.

I’m here to help market you!


Annie Cerone