My client applied for the role of Senior Project Officer in State (VIC) Government and was shortlisted for an interview. Even better, he was offered and accepted the role. A total of 6 selection criteria required addressing in three pages. Following is a full excerpt of one criterion.

Project Management

My high-level experience in project management practices, processes and principles are demonstrated through my involvement on an XXX project in the capacity of Project Advisor. I was tasked with mediating between technical and management personnel to structure and scope the project to ensure project plans were clearly defined and timelined. This involved working closely with different Project Managers throughout the conceptual planning stage. To effectively deliver on objectives and outcomes, I examined the company’s project delivery manual, identified key relevant tools, evaluated them against project management processes and tailored processes. I influenced Project Managers to develop the project as an open project concept to facilitate information sharing within the team which would provide them with a more robust understanding of how different factors impacted on project outcomes. This concept was a great success in that it provided Project Managers with a platform to understand, analyse and brainstorm possible outcomes of the team’s actions and how this impacted on the overall project delivery system. To ensure objectives were met, I developed project delivery via implementation of the Henry-Mintzberg model of managerial work. To facilitate transparent communications, I designed a transparent communication channel between Project Managers and stakeholders so the team was updated in a regular and timely manner regarding changes to the project plan. Overall, these combined strategies were instrumental in ensuring incremental timelines remained on track, changes in the planning phase were outlined clearly and promptly, and details of the project’s progress were disseminated to all stakeholders on the day. My efforts were greatly appreciated by XYZ’s executive team and Project Managers; and as a result, I was appointed as Project Advisor for the implementation stage of this project.

I’m here to help market you!


Annie Cerone