This particular client flew up from Canberra on one weekend to meet with me and brainstorm subject matter for an ATO application, an APS6 level role: General Designer. He was successful in gaining an interview. Criteria were based on the APS Integrated Leadership System (ILS); six required addressing for this application, each 500-word maximum. See previous posts on a more in-depth explanation of the APS ILS. Following are excerpts from two of the criteria.
Personal drive and integrity.
My ability to commit to action and take the initiative can be demonstrated in my current role as the office’s volunteer Workplace Health and Safety (WH&S) Representative. Recently, I took the initiative in planning and implementing a set schedule of inspections to take place around the office to identify any potential WH&S hazards. These inspections were not in place prior, and I considered it important to implement them as I had encountered potentially dangerous safety hazards within the last few months. For example, a bookshelf constructed at head height causes staff to make an impact; air conditioning not working correctly, and staff walking into tall windows (floor to ceiling height) that are not clearly visible and defined. I recently completed a WH&S course; training has been invaluable as I have access to up-to-date practical and theoretical information, which I am now using in the workplace, especially when planning and conducting these safety inspections. In planning the inspections, I divided the entire office space into sections and conducted inspections in each area. Inspections revealed several potential hazards, which I outlined in a report and forwarded to the Director for review and follow up action. To date, the bookshelf height has been corrected and I have ordered step ladders for staff to use when removing light bulbs. Furthermore, in one month’s time, I will be a fully certified WH&S Officer; this will provide me with the power to compel the Director to act on and rectify workplace hazards/issues in a prompt manner.
Business Knowledge.
My business knowledge is exemplified in my recent role with XXX Pty Ltd where I was tasked to develop software user manuals, scientific reference guides, training guides and various software installation guides. In their development, I assessed the state of software development and familiarised myself with its functions and intended outputs. I proposed a document production schedule that closely matched the developer’s release. As new functions were released, I included them in the user guides. Also, as the software was subject to changes in configuration and required continuous amendments to keep pace with programming changes, it was my responsibility to ensure accuracy in file management and document version control, in combination with a robust document update and release process. In writing the Software User Guides and other technical documents, I determined production could be streamlined if I worked on a similar timeline to the software developers. This gave me the opportunity to plan and create a document production schedule that closely mirrored their schedules for the monthly software release. I then scheduled an entire year of document releases to occur on a monthly basis. These documents were delivered to the software team the day before their planned release date for inclusion into the software. This process ensured software content was always one month ahead of its accompanying user guide. Furthermore, I ensured enough time was allocated to view the User Guides, trial the software, and provide me with feedback before the next month’s release. Overall, this facilitated the process of making necessary modifications in a timely manner and within the stipulated time frame.
I’m here to help market you!
Annie Cerone