My client applied for the role of Child Protection Supervisor in State (Vic) Government and progressed to the interview stage. A statement addressing 11 criteria in short paragraphs was prepared across three (3) pages. Two of the criteria are combined and showcased.

Application of child development theories and legislation.

In my current role as Team Leader (TL), Complex Case Management at XYZ, I applied early childhood complex trauma strategies and principles in managing cases. I supervised and debriefed a Case Manager on a new case which involved a 15-year-old boy with neglect history and who displayed defiant behaviour towards his mother. I applied trauma frameworks in conducting home visits; and checking, identifying and assessing environmental risks. This led to the identification of physical abuse towards the mother, anger management issues and refusal to attend school in fear his mother would not be at home after school (anxiety and lack of secure attachment), due to early neglect (mother’s abandonment). I convened an emergency professional meeting and joint home visits with a psychologist and referred them to a therapeutic counselling session and family violence team for further assessment.

As TL, Foster Care and Respite Programs in the Department of ABC, I applied understanding of the Child Youth and Families Act 2005, particularly section 12 – additional decision making/self-determination. I conducted a home visit assessment for a placement intervention and identified a placement breakdown where a 12-year-old Aboriginal boy verbalised to the foster carer he wanted to leave the house. I mediated and arranged appropriate respite placement on the same day. As a follow-up to the placement breakdown, I convened a professional meeting to discuss and update the case plan and change the foster carer arrangement to a kinship placement. This led to the determination of a kinship; an Aboriginal Family Led Decision Making was convened, and the child was moved to his kinship (maternal) placement.

I’m here to help market you!
Annie Cerone