I stated in a previous post (dated 28th March 2010) that many Government departments are now streamlining the written application process. That is, the requirements in addressing selection criteria or competencies have been cut back considerably, where many departments are now asking for only a two-page statement. One of my clients was successful in gaining a job interview and being offered the role for a position she applied for within Education Queensland in May 2010. The written application process for this particular role (Project Support Officer) involved preparing a two-page statement to address five key competencies along with an accompanying resume. One of the competencies is outlined below in full.
Ability to produce and manage an effective work output in terms of both quality and quantity within an environment of tight timeframes and deadlines.
Currently working for XYZ Limited, I prepare numerous sales presentations. On many occasions, urgent presentations are completed for clients with notice provided on the day; completion is required at day’s end for presentation to clients on the next working day. It is also imperative that I consult with and ensure clients meet scheduled deadlines for advertising and other associated campaigns in order for them not to miss the submission closing dates and times as this could potentially (negatively) affect their business if submissions are not met within these deadlines. I manage between 30 and 40 deadlines for clients on any given week encompassing 13 newspapers containing numerous sections in each publication, hence the importance of managing stringent deadlines. Previously employed with ABC Pty Ltd, I met strict deadlines for radio advertising by mid-day on every day of the working week. I was required to input information into the customer relationship management system on a daily basis. This information was then regularly updated by other internal departments so that they could produce an updated list of all the clients I managed outlining relevant submissions and cut-off times. These departments would then promptly advise me of any clients who had yet to submit the necessary information; it was then my responsibility to make contact with these clients to ensure the receipt of information for inclusion in the upcoming publications.
I’m here to help market you!
Annie Cerone