This particular client gained an interview with Centrelink for the role of Allied Health Professional. Five criteria based on the APS Capability Leadership Framework were required to be addressed, each up to 3/4 page in length maximum. Following are excerpts from two of the criteria.
Achieves results.
I am highly competent in autonomously conducting various standardised and non-standardised Occupational Therapy (OT) assessments in the areas of mental health status, functional levels and occupational performance. I recognise the principles of individualism and therefore am capable of selecting appropriate assessment tools to best meet the goals of the assessment and the needs of the clients. When working with clients who present with poor comprehension and reduced concentration spans, I select appropriate worksheets and tasks from various budgeting assessments in order to compile a simplified financial capability assessment tool, tailored to suit each client. My vast knowledge of the available assessments also allows me to efficiently choose the most appropriate tool to explore clients’ strengths and deficits.
I previously worked as the sole OT for the XXX; responsible for 46 clients in the High Security service and 24 clients in the Extended Secure service. My role required me to prioritise my caseloads to ensure the most urgent referrals were attended to in a prompt manner. I independently acquired all relevant information required to conduct functional assessment and intervention, and problem solved any unexpected or expected changes and crisis to ensure my treatment achieved the best possible outcome. Subsequently, my group ‘Out & About’ was one of the most sought after rehabilitation programs by the consumers of the services, and it formed a necessary component of consumers’ discharge planning process prior to their community reintegration.
Exemplifies personal drive and integrity.
Throughout my professional career as an Occupational Therapist, I have always ensured my service delivery is of the highest standard by adhering to the principles and practices of the relevant legislations/guidelines such as the National Standards for Mental Health Services and the Mental Health Act 2000. Prior to the implementation of the Mental Health Act 2000, I attended numerous in-service workshops to equip me with the necessary knowledge and understanding of the new Act.
I have displayed strong personal drive and professional integrity while working in one of the most challenging clinical areas – within the Eating Disorder Unit at the YYY Hospital. I actively participated in hospital-based clinical in-services, community-based training programs, as well as state-wide conferences to further my knowledge and skills in order to effectively manage clients with eating disorders. At the time of my practice, an audit of a state-wide review of the eating disorder services was in progress, resulting in an inevitable power play between several key stakeholders. I maintained my focus and integrity by concentrating on delivering the best possible clinical services to my clients.
I’m here to help market you!
Annie Cerone