Career Development

Career Development Tips – Are You a Strategic Thinker?

This is a good article posted today by HC Online which pinpoints areas to identify those who are strategists or strategic thinkers. If you are in a role that requires strategic-related tasks, or are wanting to progress to a role that requires strategic thinking, or wanting to employ a candidate where strategic thinking skills are a big requirement, then this article will provide you with [...]

Multi-Billion Dollar Vocational Education Industry and the Rise of the Scamming Training Colleges

I have been thinking about this particular issue for quite some time now and thought that now is the time to write a blog especially since I recently read a news article on how this insidious problem is progressively worsening. The article focused more on how individuals who were recruited by private training colleges to work were being scammed. Their role as a college employee [...]

Networking and Career Development Resources: Small Business Resources for Women-Owned Businesses is a newly created site which provides comprehensive resources for women business owners and entrepreneurs. Resources include a wealth of information, from fundraising advice through to grants, loans, and ventures capital, to tips to connect with different professional organisations designed to support women. To find out more, please click on the following link: Cheers, Annie Cerone

Career Development – Top Traits of Winning Successful Employees

In August 2015, Undercover Recruiter posted a very interested article on the top 16 traits of winning and successful employees. Research has revealed that individuals with the following traits become the wealthiest, most successful and respected in the professional world. Strong work ethic combined with a desire for improvement. Exceptional organisational skills. High energy. Positive and realistic outlook and the ability to determine unrealistic expectations. [...]

Career Development Tips: Careers for people who like to work alone

Plenty of people prefer to spend time on their own when fulfilling their professional duties. Let's be honest, modern corporate lifestyle is not for everyone, is it? Working in an overcrowded open space, dealing with noisy co-workers, attending conferences, and meeting new clients – these all sound like a nightmare for every loner out there. If you are more of a solo player and prefer [...]

Top Ranking Essential Transferable Skills

Top 10 transferable employability skills: 1. Communication 2. Teamwork 3. Time Management 4. Problem Solving 5. Organisation 6. Learning 7. Computer 8. Listening 9. Creativity 10. Leadership Employers’ indicators of success include fundamental soft and hard skills; percentages outlined below indicate those employers who say the skill is important. Top 5 soft skills: 1. Work ethic: 80% 2. Teamwork: 79% 3. Oral Communications: 73% 4. [...]

FREE Career Information Seminars

Last night I attended a very informative free-of-charge (FOC) 2-hour seminar/workshop in the Brisbane suburb of Morningside. The seminar was conducted by Gayl Regina (who is the Founder and Director of Inspirational Life) and her highly motivating team and business associates. The workshop was titled: ‘The Top 5 Mistakes People Make in their Career and What to Do About It!' For the entire session, the [...]

Winning Salesperson Attributes

Well-Run Concepts conducted research to quantify what is needed to be an effective Salesperson. A comprehensive, validated, step-by-step process called the TrimetrixTM system was utilised to determine what is needed for top performance. The data revealed the top 7 attributes: 1. Results Orientation: Maintaining focus on goals; Identifying and acting on removing potential obstacles to successful goal attainment; Implementing thorough and effective plans and applying [...]

Improving Your Interpersonal Skills

Solid interpersonal skills are essential in the workplace. If you cannot connect with the people around you, your professional life will suffer. Interpersonal skills include empathy, listening, mediating, negotiating and persuading. Here are some helpful tips for improving your interpersonal skills: 1. Smile often and maintain a positive cheerful attitude; be friendly and upbeat. 2. Appreciate and pay attention to others by praising people around [...]

Get Motivated and Beat Procrastination at Work

We all lack motivation on occasion, particularly when we dislike or feel overwhelmed by a task at hand. But there are procrastinators who habitually immerse themselves in busy work to avoid tasks that must be done. Procrastination basically means avoiding doing tasks which need to be done, sometimes doing them at the last minute or sometimes never doing them at all. The psychological price we [...]

Job Satisfaction Statistics

What percentage of the Australian working population do you think are satisfied with their jobs? Here’s what the latest figures show provided by CMyPeople/Galaxy Research in 2008.   1. Working Australians totaling 2.2 million are generally dissatisfied in their chosen job, career or profession. Now, I don’t need to tell you that this is a huge chunk of the Australian working population.   2. More [...]

Brisbane Career Transition Expo in March 2009

On March the 6th and 7th 2009, Brisbane will be hosting a major career expo focusing primarily on mature-aged individuals over the age of 35 considering a career change. Featured exhibitors will include the Brisbane City Council, Woolworths, CareerOne, the Australian Taxation Office, Defence Force Recruiting, Flight Centre and Bunnings. In light of current economic conditions, statistics have shown that the skills shortage will remain [...]

Job Search Strategies – Recommended Readings

There are numerous books focused on job search strategies and techniques on the market today. To make your life easier, here’s my pick of several of the best job search books around (most of which I’ve read), and all are very affordable: ‘What Color Is Your Parachute? A Practical Manual for Job-Hunters and Career Changers’ by Richard Nelson Bolles. This book is updated and revised [...]

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