As the majority of us are all aware, addressing selection criteria can be a daunting and lengthy process. Good news…many goverment departments are streamlining the job application process, especially when it comes to addressing selection criteria. I have worked on many job applications for clients who have applied for roles within two Queensland government departments who have streamlined the process, namely, Queensland Health and Queensland Transport. Other government departments are also starting to follow the same guidelines. That is, requirements in addressing selection criteria or key competencies and responsibilites include compiling only a one to two page statement. I have completed many and I always compile a document that contains content filling a full two pages. I do not believe that providing a one page statement is sufficient to cover the key competencies, especially when they ask for five or six to be addressed. I have one client who has now commissioned me for the fifth time (one application was for a standard selection criteria addressing six key areas up to half a page in length for each criterion; and the other four applications were for Queensland Health positions, all requiring a one to two page statement). She has been successful in gaining job interviews for four of the roles (we are currently in the process of completing the fifth application). I’ll be posting excerpts from the selection criteria next week, and excerpts from the statements in the future. Stay tuned…


Annie Cerone