Monthly Archives: October 2018

Job Market Australia | Occupational Skills Shortage 2017-18

The Department of Jobs and Small Business assessed and rated occupational skills shortages in 2017-18 period across the nation, broken down across each state and territory and occupation. A detailed listing can be found be selecting the following link: Skill Shortage 2017-18. A brief snapshot of skills shortages for occupations at a national level follow: PROFESSIONALS Design, Engineering, Science and Transport Professionals: - Architect - [...]

Resume Writing Tips: Soft Skills and Hard Skills | Employability Skills Revisited

LinkedIn Talent Solutions: Emerging Jobs: Australia – The fastest growing jobs in the country, named the top 6 soft skills in demand as revealed in a US survey where 1200+ hiring managers were surveyed. The soft skills include adaptability, culture fit, collaboration, leadership, growth potential, and prioritisation. Drawing out depth for the collaboration, growth potential, and prioritisation skills can encompass the following: Collaboration: Communication (verbal [...]

FREE Selection Criteria Answers | Probation Officer TAS Government

My client applied for the role of Probation Officer in State (TAS) Government and won a job interview. Six specifically-written selection criteria required addressing. A full example of one of the criteria follows. Well-developed interviewing, negotiation and conflict resolution skills including the ability to motivate, challenge behaviours and deal professionally with high risk offenders, critical situations and work related stress. On one occasion during my [...]

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