Monthly Archives: April 2017

Resume Writing Tips | Big Resume Writing Mistakes to Avoid

The following mistakes made on resumes are the biggest ‘killers’. Based on my extensive experience in assessing, shortlisting, designing and developing resumes; combined data generated from repeated surveys – employers and recruiters surveyed – continually reinforce the following mistakes are the biggest turn offs when considering prospective candidates based on their resume. Getting the resume right is the job of the candidate and it takes [...]

FREE Selection Criteria Examples – Assistant Consultant

This client applied for the role of Assistant Consultant in State (Qld) Government and gained a job interview. A two-page statement required addressing the following 7 selection criteria: Customer Focus, Educating Others, Continuous Learning, Continuous Improvement, Problem Solving, Work Values, and Technical Knowledge. Following are full examples of two of the criteria. Customer Focus: In my most recent role as Assessment Officer at the HHH [...]

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