Monthly Archives: December 2015

Applications received for an APS Government Department numbered in excess of 41,000

The Department of Human Services (DHS) received 41,000 applications across its core three programs – Centrelink, Medicare, and the Child Support Agency – for just 1,250 jobs! Many of the roles were open only to applicants already working in the public service. At the time this article was written by HC Online, 923 job offers had been made with 512 acceptances. When I consult with [...]

Australian Job Market – Job & Employment Growth in Service Sector

Australia is realising job/employment growth hitting a new 10-year high. The economy’s service sector is the reason for this, taking over where the mining and manufacturing sectors left off. Health care has seen the biggest growth with 152,000 jobs created since November 2014. Growth in other key sectors includes Retail, IT, Financial Services, and Administration. Health care is now the nation’s biggest employer. Source: The [...]

FREE Selection Responses Samples – Investigator

This client applied for the role of Investigator in an APS/Commonwealth Government agency, gained a job interview, was offered the role and accepted. The application required addressing a two-page expression of interest (EOI) demonstrating the standard APS Integrated Leadership Framework (ILS) selection criteria. The five criteria included Supports strategic direction, Achieve results, Supports productive working relationships, Displays personal drive and integrity, and Communicates with influence. [...]

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