Monthly Archives: September 2014

Top Ranking Essential Transferable Skills

Top 10 transferable employability skills: 1. Communication 2. Teamwork 3. Time Management 4. Problem Solving 5. Organisation 6. Learning 7. Computer 8. Listening 9. Creativity 10. Leadership Employers’ indicators of success include fundamental soft and hard skills; percentages outlined below indicate those employers who say the skill is important. Top 5 soft skills: 1. Work ethic: 80% 2. Teamwork: 79% 3. Oral Communications: 73% 4. [...]

Ten (10) Reasons Why a Job Interview Can Go Wrong

If anything, the current shaky economy and overcrowded job market doesn't make it any easier to find a job. In desperate job search, candidates tend to forget about the importance of interviews and fall victim to some of most basic things that might go wrong. The opportunity of a job interview is today a success itself and maybe the feeling feeds into candidates' performance – [...]

By |September 8th, 2014|Job Interview|

FREE Selection Criteria Responses and Samples – Teacher Hairdressing

This client applied for the role of Teacher Hairdressing within a TAFE institution in state (Queensland) Government. The application involved preparing a suitability statement addressing selection criteria based on the Queensland Public Service (QPS) Capability Leadership Framework (CLF). Five standard selection criteria are contained in the CLF: [1] supports strategic direction, [2] achieves results, [3] supports productive working relationships, [4] displays personal drive and integrity, [...]

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