Monthly Archives: March 2009

Professional Resume Writing – Part II: The application of KEY PRINCIPLES to the resume writing process

When I lecture to audiences on job market skills (specifically on resume development and cover letter creation), I always outline specific key principles (along with the key factors as outlined in my previous blog) to think about and apply in the initial formulation stages and throughout the resume development process. These key principles are essential tools in laying the foundations in creating a winning marketing [...]

Professional Resume Writing – Part I: The application of KEY FACTORS to the resume writing process

When I lecture to audiences on job market skills (specifically on resume development and cover letter creation), I always outline specific key factors to think about and apply in the initial formulation stages and throughout the resume development process. These key factors are essential tools in laying the foundations in creating a winning marketing document. Resume writing is not a difficult process; however, it is [...]

Working Overseas in Dubai

Over the past few months I have had an increasing number of clients who have consulted with me on their desire to work overseas especially in Dubai. The attraction is increasing and why not, the opportunity on my levels would be rewarding, however long you wish to reside and work in Dubai. Expatriates are enjoying a totally new lifestyle with a wide range of career [...]

Motivational Guidance – Recommended Reading

Motivation is a complex thing. Why are some of us more motivated than others? Some of us are born with a natural motivational streak; others need a little push and guidance; and some individuals have no motivation what so ever (I know a few of these people). Motivation is driven by both intrinsic and external factors. I myself belong in the category of individuals who [...]

Job Satisfaction Statistics

What percentage of the Australian working population do you think are satisfied with their jobs? Here’s what the latest figures show provided by CMyPeople/Galaxy Research in 2008.   1. Working Australians totaling 2.2 million are generally dissatisfied in their chosen job, career or profession. Now, I don’t need to tell you that this is a huge chunk of the Australian working population.   2. More [...]

Addressing Selection Criteria – Part II: Integrated Leadership System (ILS)

It is becoming more common in many government organisations to follow the Integrated Leadership System (ILS) when addressing selection criteria. The following outline provides you with several helpful prompts and guidelines when faced with addressing this type of selection criteria. Please note that each job application will most likely provide you with a different set of guidelines. The ILS typically comprises the stock-standard five criteria; [...]


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