I have been thinking about this particular issue for quite some time now and thought that now is the time to write a blog especially since I recently read a news article on how this insidious problem is progressively worsening. The article focused more on how individuals who were recruited by private training colleges to work were being scammed. Their role as a college employee specifically involved targeting and signing up students to undertake study courses/programs. I want to focus my Blog more on the students who choose these colleges, and how students can be scammed by the industry.

As we progress in our society we are going to hear more and more about the importance of training and continually educating. I see this as a double-edged sword. Australia wants and demands a highly skilled workforce; we hear through all kinds of media formats something along these lines: ‘get trained so you will get a good job; without training you will not find employment’. However, there are many who have completed a university education and they cannot find work in their field! A university education is considered the highest study honour; that is, having a Bachelor degree and even better, a post-graduate qualification.

Many individuals are choosing to undertake study programs through private colleges instead of a university or TAFE setting. My recommendation before signing up for study/training in a private college is to do your research into the college. Find out the following key information: how long has the college been operational; what is the success rate of students in finding work when they complete their study program; and importantly, whether the college has an affiliated ‘training-to-work’ type program where employers scout the college’s students to offer them employment, or they have an internal division or an external partner that acts as a recruitment-type agency and aggressively helps students to find work and place them in a job. These are important considerations so you choose the right training college; you do not want it to be a waste of your time, efforts and finances where you come out of the study program with nothing. You want to get the right training at a reputable private training college and be able to secure a job in your field of study.

I’m here to help market you!


Annie Cerone